Saturday, January 30, 2010


I inadvertently slept in until 8:50 a.m. (how the hell did that happen? I never sleep that late), so I'll be doing my Why the *!%*!" do I live in MN-Saunders 5K tomorrow.

I'm a mite irritated about this. On the other hand, this development has wiped the frown right off Mr. Frowny Face's face, and that's a good thing. Because no one likes a frowny Pete.


Frostbike said...


Matt said...

Okay, I just read about this right now and I'm in. It's too late for me to run today, so I'll give it a go tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if it'll be on the treadmill or outside, but I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks for putting forth the first annual %#$%$ 5k.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

YAY!!! Another victim -- erm, participant. Awesome. =)