Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Man! I have been bad, bad, BAD about remembering to update this blog. So, to recap (since it's been almost a month since my last post)...

The girls started school (second grade! OMG, where is the time going????):

Off to second grade


I got a haircut:


The hummingbirds have taken off for warmer climes, but we had lots of fun while they were here:

I am developing yet another obsession

There were more sunsets, of course:

Prairie sunset

And--file this one under the category of: "The Shot that Got Away"--I learned a valuable lesson about dashing outside without the tripod at night to try to capture the really cool lightning show. If it had been daytime I could have got away without the tripod (I submit this and this as evidence)--but it was after 10:00 pm. Note to self: next time, grab the gorram tripod.

Gorram it

That is all.