Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First day of school

4th grade!!!
(That's our old mailbox next to Morgan;
Pete made it into a planter.)

New backpacks, such fun.

Such serious students.

And a little sepia to finish off the session.

And now that the girls are off to school, Mr. Yon Saucy and I are going to brave RNC madness and go have breakfast at my favorite breakfast place, the Copper Dome. (Ignore the negative reviews. Those people are clearly deranged.) Yum.

1 comment:

Lois said...

Hey saucy wench,

Just a word about your blog...I love it (I guess that is 3!) Even though don't see too much of you, I feel connected to your life and watching the girls grow & go off to school each year is definitely a highlight for me!

Thanks...keep it up!