Monday, August 11, 2008

I really didn't want to write this post

For the last month or so, I've been having some GI issues. I doubt that it's anything too serious -- we've ruled out food allergies, food poisoning, bugs, viruses, etc.; my white blood cell count is normal; blood pressure and pulse are good; weight's good; my overall physical condition is, as my doctor put it, "fantastic" -- but it is persistent and annoying and, to be honest, a little bit debilitating at times.

Once things settle down, I'm going to go get 'scoped so we have a better idea of what might be going on, but since we don't know for sure...Well, the long story made short is that on my doctor's advice, I won't be running the marathon. I'll be there the morning of, and I'll start off with the rest of the field, but I won't be running the whole thing. (Maybe half.)

I was very upset when he told me this two weeks ago, but I've slowly come around to his reasoning. We don't know what's going on. It's probably fine. But I have to admit that training's been a struggle for the last month, and that my energy levels aren't where they should be. And it's not like he told me to stop running altogether: he said he didn't think that continuing to train for the marathon would be wise at this point.

If this wasn't me, if this was a friend who'd been having some health issues and whose doctor had told her he didn't think it was wise to do this, and she asked me what I thought, what would I say to her? Of course I'd tell her to listen to her doctor. Once I looked at it from that perspective, it was easy to make the decision.

And of course, there's always next year. It's not like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, after all.

But I am disappointed.


Cooking and Screaming said...

Aw, poo. But FWIW, I think you're wise to follow your doc's advice and go easy for the nonce. Besides, a half-marathon is still pretty impressive (if you're me, anyway), and you'll be even better prepared for next year's event.

Poor guts. Here's hoping they're back to normal soon!

Anonymous said...

Pooh nuggets! I know how much hard work you've put into your training, and how disappointed you must be. But you're smart to follow your doctor's advice. And a half-marathon is nothing to sneeze at! When the guts get better you can always shoot for a full one. I'll be rooting for you no matter what!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. But can't help feeling you've made the right decision. And you'll enjoy (if that's the right word) doing the marathon much more if you haven't got dodgy guts when you're training for it!

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Thanks for the kind words. I know, it's the right thing to do. And I have to admit that on one level it is a relief; things have been awfully difficult of late. But what a crushing disappointment! Oh well. Fall down 7 times, get up 8...

Matt said...

Like you said, it's not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There's always another year. Hope you get some good answers to the GI stuff and you get back to 100%.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Thanks Matt. Maybe next year we can both run the marathon!