Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A failed experiment

It was pointed out to me the other day (hi, Val!) that my last post here was July 4th. Oops. Well, what can I say. We've been busy, gone a lot, and I've been sort of sick the last few weeks. Blogging fell by the wayside. Tsk, tsk.

But I'm back. And today I want to blog about...pumpkin. Yes, you heard me right: pumpkin.

Morgan's pumpkin
Morgan's pumpkin, Halloween 2007

According to the NY Times, pumpkin is one of the 11 best foods you're not eating. Now, I'm always up for eating well and adding new foods into the mix, but...pumpkin? Eww. I don't have many intense food dislikes, but pumpkin is one of them. I won't eat the stuff*. I know that some people love it, but for me it's nasty. It smells bad, tastes worse, and the texture's oogy. (See, it's so bad, it brings out my inner 5-year-old.) It doesn't matter how it's prepared: I can't stomach it, even in the form of pumpkin pie.

At my house we carve pumpkins for Halloween decorations and ambiance, and roast the seeds, and that's it.

But in the interest of adding more power foods to my diet, I bought a can of organic pumpkin the last time I was at the grocery store. After all, it's been years since I attempted pumpkin in any form; perhaps my taste has changed. And I am the one always pushing the girls to try new foods and give them a second, third, fourth-fifth-sixth chance if they don't like them the first time. Really, how could I not give this another try?

This afternoon, I made a half-cup's worth of canned pumpkin just like they suggested in the column: a little bit of butter, cinnamon and nutmeg. I managed about 4 bites, and then I gagged on the fifth bite and that was the end of that.

I suppose I could attempt it again, but...no. Pumpkins are going right back to where they belong: works of art and roasted seeds. And I'm OK with that.

What about you? Are there any super-foods, good-for-you foods that you know you should be eating, but just can't?

Tomorrow: the female body.

*Except for pumpkin seeds. Those are yummy. I was glad to see that they were on the list.


Bill Connell said...

The only reason for pumpkin to exist, really, is the pie. With whipped cream. It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore!

I do my darndest to cook kale once in a while just because it's good for me. Luckily, my daughters really like it.

Frostbike said...

Mmmmm, the female body...

Alana said...

I like pumpkin in breads and muffins where you don't have the texture of mushy pumpkin. I'm not a big fan of any mushed up squash but if you roast them in chunks with some leeks, sage and pepper it's much better. Some pumpkins are better than others for this. You should to stick with firm, sweet pumpkins.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

@ midway cyclist -- mmm, kale...

@ pete -- quiet, you.

@ alana -- you know, I think I'm just going to continue to stay away from pumpkin in any form. Really, it's better that way.

Gary Lamon said...

and of course-Pumpkin beer!

Yon Saucy Wench said...

@ emeroz -- hmm...