I like sushi. A lot. Raw fish, rice, a little wasabi, a bit of soy sauce...yum. Well, I may never eat sushi again, for alas, my little raw fish habit almost did me in in December. That's right, I et bad sushi. Food poisoning, such fun! Had some complications, recovery was long and arduous, and then, just as things were starting to get better, I was attacked by an evil virus and ended up with gastroenteritis. Ouch. Things were so bad that Pete ended up cooking the big Christmas Day dinner (and he did such a fabulous, wonderful job that, in the spirit of no good deed goes unpunished, I hereby declare that from now on he can cook all the holiday and family-get-together meals) while I lay around moaning and of no use to anyone.
If you're looking to drop a quick 20 - 30 pounds, I highly recommend food poisoning followed by a virus. It's one hell of a weight loss program, let me tell you. And if you time it just right, well! For the first time in years, I did not gain weight over the holidays, no no. Instead, I'm down 2 sizes, maybe 3. Merry Christmas to me! Ho ho ho! I wonder if I could somehow market this...
I am still not quite 100% yet -- all joking aside, this has really been quite awful, and my poor spouse gets tons of kudos for taking care of me and the kids and everything else -- but I am TONS better now and beginning to take an interest again in things like my really messy house with its mountains of laundry (eek), the dust-covered camera, and the poor, temporarily abandoned novel. (I've discovered that it's hard to concentrate on made-up people and their problems when you're puking your guts out and wishing for death.)
We did not get Christmas cards out this year. Thank you, everyone who sent us cards, and please don't take us off your lists; I promise that we'll reciprocate next year!
And now, laundry calls -- as does the neglected novel and camera. I don't do New Year's resolutions, but I will try to be better about updating this blog a little more regularly. I've got some gardening ideas percolating...I'm going to try my hand at winter sowing my seeds this year...Pete and I will be going for a bike ride in May, so I should probably start doing some biking once I can walk more than a mile or two without feeling like I'm going to pass out...I was going to run a Frigid 5K this Sunday the 13th, but that's obviously not going to happen, so I'll start looking for road races in February instead and work on getting myself back to where I was before all this nastiness hit...And I want to start talking about some other things, like frugal living, cooking and baking from scratch (I bought Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day before I got sick, and while I haven't played around with the recipes as much as I'd have liked, what I have made has been quite good and very easy), books, politics and this year's election (although maybe I shouldn't go there)...
It's really nice to be feeling more like myself again. :-)
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