My garden frogs were just starting to emerge from the snow, too. :-(
Dear Snow,
Plz 2 be gone now,'k thnx bai.
No love,
The girls and I biked to the library yesterday. Along the way, we got lots of amused looks and waves from people driving by. It was a mite chilly -- 'bout 34F -- so they were wearing stocking caps under their pink (E.) and purple (M.) bike helmets, along with their winter jackets and gloves. Combine that with their purple sparkle-y bikes with the little flower baskets on the front, and yes, they do look awfully cute as they pedal along. Drivers are lots nicer to cute little girls on bikes than they are to not-so cute great big grownups on bikes, I've discovered. Pete often gets treated horribly by drivers doing things like cutting him off and whacking him with baseball bats*, but people routinely stop for the girls and wave them through intersections. And not only do cars wait and sometimes even give up the right of way for us to cross, but the drivers smile at us and seem completely charmed when the girls grin back and wave their thanks. Maybe the girls should start escorting Pete to work.
The girls are on spring break this week. Last year for spring break we went to Texas and spent the week with the Texas-now-Pennsylvania Crew (we miss you guys and can't wait to see you in June!). This year we're helping an orthodontist buy a lake home (isn't that nice of us), and so we're staying here. I have many things planned to keep us all occupied and un-bored. I'd originally planned that today we'd go to the Zoo, but since it's snowing we'll stay home and make doggy biscuits and start some seeds a'winter-sowing instead. Tomorrow we shall visit the new niece/cousin in the morning and go to the Waterpark in the afternoon. Wednesday we'll come back back from the Waterpark -- and go to swimming lessons, and then collapse into sodden heaps and probably sleep for 19 hours. Thursday will be the Zoo, weather permitting. Friday we'll arts and crafts ourselves silly, Saturday we'll deliver the last of the Girl Scout cookies and color Easter eggs, and Sunday of course is Easter. And then on Monday we're back to school and work, and I'll wonder how the week went by so fast.
*Rapid City, SD, 1994. Two guys pulled up alongside him and literally whacked him across the back with a baseball bat. And people wondered why we moved away.
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