Monday, June 12, 2006

But what is it?

I was poisoned! By a chicken caesar sandwich. Ugh. It's been a nasty ten days, let me tell you. Hence, the no-posting. But now I'm better. And back to stalking birds!

Anyone know what this is? We're stumped. It almost looks like a cross between a nuthatch and a robin, but I don't think that's possible.

Unknown II
June 2006, 200mm (the telephoto lens ROCKS, by the way), Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

Edited to add a profile shot:

(Grainy, because the sun was setting and the light wasn't great.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I asked Sparky's mom if she knew what it was. Here is her answer,
"It should have a rather long forked tail - it's a little hard to see that on the pictures but I am reasonably sure that it is a Barn Swallow. Mom R"