Friday, September 07, 2007

Property of the city of Eagan

Two of my photos took first and second places in Eagan's annual photo contest in the "Eagan at Play" category -- and now belong to the city, not me! That's sort of weird.

1st place

Sunset at Cascade Bay

2nd place

Fun at Cascade Bay

Also, I've finally updated the url for this blog so the title and address'll want to update any bookmarks or feeds you've got for it:


Lois said...

Congrats, Nancy! By the way, I do really like your blueberry pic, too.

Gary Lamon said...

Good Job! I hope you got some cash for those!

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Thanks, Lois. The blueberry photo is a favorite of mine too.

Gary, thanks -- and yes, I did indeed get paid for 'em!

Janis evans said...

Thanks for sharing...
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