Sunday, August 31, 2008

Give us this (week) our daily (white) bread

Behold, white bread rising.

So, I make our own bread, right? Cuz I'm a touch obsessed about things like taste and quality, and avoiding HFCS and mystery ingredients that I can't pronounce...Anyway, as I was mixing up this week's bread batch late this afternoon, I made an oops. I'd intended to make a light whole-wheat, but...somehow completely forgot to add the whole wheat flour. (It probably didn't help that I'd just got up from a nap and was a mite groggy.) Instead, I went on auto-pilot and added cup after cup after cup of white flour. Like, 14 cups worth. By the time I realized it, it was too late to fix. Oops.

Oh well. This'll be a nice treat for lunch sandwiches for work -- and school. School. How is it possible that this is the last day of August, that the girls go back to school on Tuesday, that summer's essentially done?!

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